a lotta heat

ah, Vegas.

Yesterday, I went to Ditch Fridays at the Palms Pool.


hot temperature?


hot music?

hot people?
check. and double check.

I felt like I was in a commercial for the young, fabulous, and intoxicated. Gorgeous girls and buff guys everywhere! It was nice to be surrounded by people of equal beauty as myself :p although, every so often, an overweight person would pass by, but everyone quickly averted their eyes, as if the offending party was never there. tee hee!

drinks, music, dancing, pool, decadence. All during the daytime. I heart Vegas.

several drinks later, me and CCGF stumbled our way to the new Palms tower. Had a few drinks at NOVE Italiano. It’s kinda cool. Approximately the same height as Ghostbar.

I think my parents would LOVE LOVE LOVE it there. I’ll try to take them next time we’re all in Vegas. Probably sometime in the fall.

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